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  1. 梦!都真成这样最后还是梦!
  2. 完全不知道中秋节应该怎么度过
  3. 公司发的凤梨酥真难吃
  4. 做军训梦…累哭…
  5. 新规考驾照费最高不超过3800 我感觉是时候学车了
  6. 昨天做了一堆梦。
  7. 混混沉沉,像是要散架了。周一!
  8. 没有女朋友都不好意思上街
  9. 今天被气到了,但是衡量一下不至于砍人,所以就算了。
  10. 今天的云不错
  11. 你到底有没有搞完!?
  12. 跑步跑丢了,都快到沟里了…终于找见一个小区的门卫问路,那是一个抠脚的大叔,他是这么笑的:哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈
  13. 求个歌词...

    以前很喜欢的一个歌,搜不到歌词。 [link url=""] 其实以前发过... [link url=""] 这两年我容易吗w(:_;)w I've kissed by face She had it all planed out While I caught the lizards On broken tile pavements in front of our house By the month of September Things would have changed By joy of the simple thing While I seem strange By the month of September We would have aged By joy of the simple thing Now I have changed She sits by a window Her smile was always an invitation To present to we've gift To make it all seem right in front of our house By~ Her porch sun with silence I know I knew under our sky If mine me the catch//啥(´・ω・`) Is what she wanted our children miss much//啥(´・ω・`) You can name it as just you like I think his mother just died And I just didn't know I didn't know what you would like No I just didn't know I didn't know that you would cry By~
  14. 手。机。加。载。不。出。图。片。了…
  15. baidu 云盘现在靠一般手段下载不了电影,只能google来搜,搜到的链接里吧中间的share改成wap就能下到了,我真机智
  16. 怎么上google啊救命,红杏插件好像不行了歪!
  17. 我感觉和时代脱节了
  18. 看白夜行看了一半才想到以前看过电影,记忆力好差。
  19. 大早上的听到小苹果,这一天算是毁了
  20. 在搜asmr视频看…