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  1. Russian 🍲

    [img src="" width="1080" height="810"]
  2. 未来,外星飞船会常常光顾地球。作为太空总司令军的爸爸接到命令就要出动太空穿梭机去对抗外星人。什么时候有外星人来就要出动。比如,有一艘船来,就要两小时内出动;有两艘船入侵就要半小时出动,可以吃完晚饭再出动;有3艘船来就要马上出动了,至少5分钟出动,勉强吃个汉堡就要走了。近来,外星人骚扰越来越频繁,常常3艘船同时出现。所以常常吃着晚饭就要放下筷子去打击外星人。作为太空总司令的爸爸他们用的筷子上面会显示多少飞船来袭。这一次,筷子显示4艘飞船。孩子们看着爸爸,是不是马上要走了……不能一起吃饭了。大家都望着爸爸。爸爸把筷子拿去,一番操作后。筷子上显示,我们安全了,,好,继续吃饭,哪管那么多外星人,即使外星人在门外敲门……做梦,有删节
  3. We are safe

    [img src="" width="608" height="1080"] [img src="" width="608" height="1080"]
  4. Do you remember her!yeah

    [img src="" width="608" height="1080"]
  5. [img src="" width="810" height="1080"] [img src="" width="810" height="1080"] [img src="" width="810" height="1080"]
  6. What’s this It is a microByte

    [img src="" width="810" height="1080"]
  7. ……

    [img src="" width="810" height="1080"]
  8. Take on the Bus .son said,mum site here please.mum answer,Mum stand to next stop.Son repeated,I stand to next stop also ^_^
  9. Russian soup

    [img src="" width="1080" height="810"] [img src="" width="1080" height="810"]
  10. Save my soul save my soul

    [img src="" width="1080" height="1080"] [img src="" width="1080" height="1080"] [img src="" width="1080" height="1080"] [img src="" width="1080" height="1080"] [img src="" width="1080" height="1080"]
  11. Esp32
  12. Arduino
  13. 93911DB52C2DB1F4AAFAE5EC918A107F
  14. Three delicacies at earth

    [img src="" width="1080" height="810"]
  15. [img src="" width="608" height="1080"] These is hill that views full colors
    But can’t listen the voice nearby river
    The flowers are booming past sping
    The bird don’t moves you come
  16. 脚痛在家休息……两只都痛,前几天觉得天气热就穿短袖睡觉,没盖被单,过了几天,穿长袖睡都冻,没盖被单……61凌晨熬夜,62也是熬夜排队检核酸。现在还上被单也没有用了,脚痛……
  17. Brick! oh god no please no

    [img src="" width="810" height="1080"] [img src="" width="810" height="1080"]
  18. New worse toy

    [img src="" width="810" height="1080"] [img src="" width="810" height="1080"] [img src="" width="810" height="1080"] [img src="" width="810" height="1080"]
  19. [link url=""]
  20. Round one test Round one test failed!

    [img src="" width="810" height="1080"] [img src="" width="810" height="1080"] [img src="" width="810" height="1080"] [img src="" width="810" height="1080"]