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  1. 在这个房间里参加电视会议真无聊,又没我的事情。而且这两个大叔又在房间里抽烟,你们就从来不会为此感到羞愧吗?你们的廉耻心都像烟灰一样无声地飘落了吗?
  2. 去你妹的人权白皮书,你们全家都是白皮书!
  3. 原来如此,羡慕、嫉妒、情欲再加上扭曲的渴望,这些东西集合起来就是理想乡的幻影吗。
  4. 父母都不在家……房间里静悄悄的。窗外是昏暗的天空,凉风轻轻地从窗户吹进来……这股寂寥,这种孤独……实在是难以忍受……也许,只是也许啊,我迟早要结婚的,否则终究有一天会被这种孤独感给彻底压垮,变成一个只会叹气的废人。哈…………如此寂寥……
  5. 木漏れ日(这个词带有轻微的闪光弹性质,和传说之树混合使用的话会对魔法师的MP产生一定伤害。需要注意)
  6. 原来居里夫人和我同月同日生呢,就是比我大了整整120岁
  7. 长笛这种乐器果然很赞哦,不过要想达成《青空の見える丘で》那种水平的话好难呢。
  8. 无聊就是烦恼的重大根源
  9. [link url=""]
  10. 使用电脑内置的网卡,嗯,速度似乎还行
  11. 你这家伙差不多浪费了我一个小时的时间啊!!
  12. 回到家要是有木实在等我就好了,可惜只要老爹老妈
  13. 主任你放我走吧,我这样待着很难过的!!
  14. 看着窗外,想想木实,啊,两发真好。想到环姐,你生病了却还是那么有精神。春夏阿姨,嗯,笑起来还是很可爱呢。
  15. 在主任的办公室站了四十多分钟,基本上都是他一个人在那里讲,我实在是没啥好说的。于是只好拿手在桌上画圈圈,看看窗外,扭扭腰,看看手机新闻
  16. School Named After Eroge Refuses to Change Name

    “Sakuranbo Elementary School,” a new school which chose to give itselfthe same name as popular lolicon eroge brand, is refusing to change its name despite being informed of its namesake by a number of sources.The school chose the name “Sakuranbo” (“Cherry”) based on the local cherry industry, but did not bother to run the most basic of Internet searches to see what else is using the name.Had they done so, they would have discovered that their choice of “Sakuranbo Shougakkou” is already the name of an eroge brand centred on providing adult games of interest to lolicon erogamers.The unfortunate choicewas widely reportedwhen it became apparent, and soon parents began to call for a new name.The local mayor is having none of it, and ina recent press conferencefor concerned parents vowed to go ahead with with the lolicon-friendly naming:“If we were to change the name, on the contrary we would just be justifying the adult world.”Just what kind of logic lead him to this conclusion is unclear.The school is set to open in 2011.Lesser cases of unfortunate naming have lead to changes – in 2007 Hyogo prefecture’s “Eichi Daigaku” (“Wisdom University”) changed its name to “Saint Thomas University” after it was pointed out that “eichi” sounds very similar to “ecchi,” and that the name is also used by an adult publisher.
  17. 2010年国庆节放假安排

  18. 这女人真傻,拿着把大型狙击枪竟然还双膝跪地……你是哪里来的外行啊?
  19. 面对二次元,心灵得不到满足或许远远比身体得不到满足要痛苦很多。当你拼命伸出手去却怎么也抓不住幻想的时候,是多么痛苦,当你被夜风吹醒再次仰望窗外漆黑的夜空之时,那是怎样一种过于淡定的失落与绝望……或许已经淡定到感觉不到心痛了……是吗……我是这样的吗……
  20. 夜风很舒服……带着外面被雨淋湿的树叶的味道……自由的味道,怀念的味道,还有……孤独的,味道。