A你怎么吃那么多 你怀孕了?B:这水平叫怀孕了? 那我怀了十几年了
(ノ・∀・)ノ =====┻━┻))゚Д゚)・∵.外面好大的风 降温什么的最讨厌!!!
在保修期内能把主板 硬盘都搞报销 我用得很过度吗
[link url="http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/9rtHlCOYPpw/"] 一分钟的青春期 来自现居柏林的插画师Alexander Gellner
Manic Street Preachers - Postcards From A Young Man.ttpl
早上传电影到移动硬盘 结果还蓝屏了两次 破硬盘 你是要怎样!!!
中午食堂大妈在看我打饭很多并带走数日之后终于忍不住问我:干嘛不就在食堂吃呢(难道以为我一人打两人饭?)我说:回宿舍一遍看郭德纲一遍吃。大妈不放心指着我碗说:那每次都吃得完吗(这么多)?我表示:吃得完吃得完!!!- -+(-_-)╯╯~╧═╧~╧═╧~╧═╧~太伤心了 作为一个吃货!!!!!!
最近吃什么都不管饱 食堂大妈已经主动在打饭时把饭勺给我
下次去湾仔太源街败 [link url="http://catfan.me/enhn/albums/photo/13021"]
别人日出而作 日落而息 我是日出而耍 日落而悔 恨你~~
原来被选中做教皇 还要被摸蛋蛋 ⊙﹏⊙b汗
看剧 The Borgias [link url="http://movie.douban.com/subject/4290151/"] 里面Jeremy Irons被选中当教皇了· 然后出现了一系列诡异画面· 先搬来一把当中有洞的椅子· 然后大家围着等J叔坐上去· 一个小厮 洗洗手 把手伸到了椅子下 · 这是干什么呢???!!!!! [img src="http://catf.me/photos/29f000fb8653753c5b8b823ea4bac4c2.jpg" width="624" height="352"] · [img src="http://catf.me/photos/8e4d6a2b9557f82d629869b17667ac1a.jpg" width="624" height="352"] · [img src="http://catf.me/photos/fc0f851e76e801e0234f9bcf2b19a99f.jpg" width="624" height="352"] · [img src="http://catf.me/photos/fa10127fb3bcbdad7694ec4abad4f24b.jpg" width="624" height="352"] ·一查 原来是为了验明正身(以防新教皇是女的乔装的) 噗 Because of female Pope"Pope Joan", certain traditions stated that popes throughout the medieval period were required to undergo a procedure wherein they sat on a special chair with a hole in the seat. A cardinal would have the task of putting his hand up the hole to check whether the pope had testicles, or doing a visual examination.This procedure is not taken seriously by most historians, and there is no documented instance. It is probably a scurrilous legend based on the existence of two ancient stone chairs with holes in the seats that probably dated from Roman times and may have been used because of their ancient imperial origins. Their original purpose is obscure. -
Mucho gusto de conocerte.
a plaid shirt,a lether jacket,a jeans and a pair of mid calf boots
好像得了强迫症 好想去把眼镜盒买了 东西没置办齐全我不自在~~
天气这么好 我见天就想出去晒太阳 不想呆在阴冷朝北 北面还是片大树林的宿舍里
腾讯邀请你今晚参加熄灯一小时 邀请你妹!!!!
本来是一直晚上吃橙子的 但是昨天看seinfeld里面他们居然点中餐点的炒粉 搞得我现在每晚都想吃炒粉!!!!怒!!!!
花钱如流水 正事倒不干
今天交了网费 买了偏光太阳镜 红酒 仨“紧身秋裤” 噗!!!! 不拔网线就不干活 真是贱死了 每天晚上睡之前自省把自己臭骂一顿 第二天还是一如既往地玩啊 堕落 太特么伤心了 哎 还是果断拔网线吧