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  1. 大家都在揮淚送別11th只有我一個人沉浸在將要抱12th大腿的喜悅中咩~

    [img src="" width="370" height="209"] 皮卡叔=3= 此gif可做表情使用-v- (圖源新浪微博 英劇-英劇
  2. 不知是真是假= =

    [img src="" width="647" height="668"] 出處見水印
  3. 波特猴BTM字幕组【BTM字幕组】#神秘博士50周年# The Last Day迷你剧献上! [link url=""]
  4. 幻翔字幕组#神秘博士##dw50周年##savetheday# An Adventure In Space And Time “Save the day”出炉之前不妨先看看《时空大冒险》,讲述DW这部伟大系列剧作品的诞生的电视电影,本片涉及到了许多早年的幕后细节以及那些创造出这个伟大角色的天才们【度盘:[link url=""]
  5. YYeTs字幕站#英剧社倾情奉献# #神秘博士50周年# 特别篇《博士之日》更新初校MP4,HR稍后。字幕:[link url=""] 更多:[link url=""] 网盘:[link url=""] 主演:马特·史密斯/大卫·田纳特/约翰·赫特/珍娜·科尔曼/比莉·派佩 Happy 50th Anniversary Doctor Who[蛋糕] #DW50周年# #savetheday#
  6. 可萌可萌的皮卡叔,期待吧(ง •̀_•́)ง

    [img src="" width="500" height="696"]
  7. 虐成神經病_(:з」∠)_

    [img src="" width="245" height="290"] [img src="" width="245" height="290"]
  8. David Tennant and Matt Smith on The Graham Norton Show

    [img src="" width="245" height="159"] [img src="" width="245" height="159"] [img src="" width="245" height="159"] [img src="" width="245" height="159"] [img src="" width="245" height="159"] [img src="" width="245" height="159"] [img src="" width="245" height="159"] [img src="" width="245" height="159"]
  9. #clara oswald via zizicat

    [img src="" width="160" height="400"] [img src="" width="160" height="400"] [img src="" width="160" height="400"]
  10. 飛天小女警版博士 via lumos5001

    [img src="" width="500" height="269"] [img src="" width="640" height="256"] [img src="" width="500" height="167"]
  11. DW 50週年,歡迎各位踴躍投稿向博士示愛w

    [img src="" width="640" height="480"] 來自蘑菇(anna42)的投稿,舊照片,手工。
  12. 來自蘑菇(anna42)的投稿

    [img src="" width="640" height="480"] 舊照片拼貼。 歡迎投稿,請以任何你喜歡的形式向博士示愛w
  13. 歡迎投稿“DW 50週年飯最喜歡的台詞”!
  14. But this is one corner of one country, in one continent, on one planet that's a corner of a galaxy, that's a corner of a universe that is forever growing and shrinking and creating and destroying, and never remaining the same for a single millisecond. And there is so much, so much to see, Amy. Because it goes so fast. I'm not running away from things, I am running to them. Before they flare and fade forever. -Doctor Who S07E04
  15. 一提起經典台詞什麼的總是第一個想到“我燃燒一顆恆星跟你說再見”所以今天寫點別的…