[Free s2 01~05食玩快速心得] 套用月刊少女裡的一句話"一定是男人很纖細又不穩定" 所以就原諒裡面的男角們動不動就在談心跟回憶小學時代吧(遠)
Y!A! YA!
Jogging, reading, nerding is my daily hobby.
Whitelance and Blackers, two favorite sneakers makes sweating more easy!
Back at home, first mission;
poking Puff and patting Pata!
Then, a little bit fantasy, detective and li
Jogging, reading, nerding is my daily hobby.
Whitelance and Blackers, two favorite sneakers makes sweating more easy!
Back at home, first mission;
poking Puff and patting Pata!
Then, a little bit fantasy, detective and li